Fix Your Home and Secure Your Future.

Homeownership is a challenge, too. Here’s how to meet it.

Owning a home is an accomplishment. But it comes with responsibilities, too – and meeting them is the next step in securing your financial future.

The Neighbor Project’s education, resources and support don’t end when you move in. Here’s how to make sure you’re equipped to keep your home and flourish there.


Access counseling, resources and legal services to help you keep your home – all free of charge

Avoid foreclosure.


Apply for help with needed home repairs.

Aurora’s Safety First program funds repairs for home safety and improvements to utilities like your furnace, electrical system, roof or porch


Get personalized guidance on financing opportunities that could lower your home payment.

Refinance your home.


Not sure what help
you need?

A 15-minute call is all it takes to find the best next step for you. Tell us what barriers you’re facing; we’ll tell you how to beat them.

We need you.

Aurora’s greatest asset is the people who live here. Empower them - and we all prosper.

To learn how you can help, leave your email in the box at right.