Foreclosure Prevention

Struggling to keep up? Get help to keep your home

Financial setbacks can happen to anyone.

If you’re struggling to make payments and afraid of losing your home, the first thing to know is that you’re not alone.

We’ve got you.

Neighbor Project counselors can help you rethink your finances, find tools and resources – even negotiate with lenders for you. And it’s free.

Review your situation and get insight.

When you meet with you a foreclosure prevention counselor, we’ll start with a thorough review or your financial situation. We’ll look for root causes of your mortgage challenges.

Then we’ll help you make a plan to address them: What needs to change? What unique steps can you take, given your situation?

Advocating for you. Cheering for you, too.

Your counselor doesn’t just give advice – we’ll actually step in, if appropriate, and negotiate with lenders for you.

Are modifications possible for your loan? Would a repayment plan or some other approach help you avoid foreclosure? We’ll find out together.

Then we’ll follow up with you in months that follow, offering support so you can stay on track and follow through with your plan – or adjust it if your circumstances change.

Ready to apply?

To apply now, follow the link at right. You’ll need the following documents on hand:

  • A current mortgage statement

  • Hardship letter, written and signed by you, that briefly explains your situation

  • Paystubs from the past two months

    • If you have your own business: 6 months of monthly Profit and Loss  

  • Driver’s license or other government-issued ID

  • Tax returns from the last two years

    • include all pages and makes sure page to of form 1040 is signed

    • Include all corresponding W2 forms

  • Bank statements from the last 3 months for all checking and savings accounts

    • 3 Most Current Months ALL pages-NOT STATEMENT HISTORY

  • Credit Report issued in the last 30 days

    • You can pay $30 during application for us to pull one for you

  • Your most recent utility bills for water, electric and gas

  • Bankruptcy documents or bankruptcy discharge order, if applicable 

  • Additional income award letters/statements, if applicable, such as:

    • Child support court order/contribution letter 

    • Link/SNAP

    • Social security income statement

    • Pension

    • Unemployment

  • Your most recent loan statements for any of the following that apply:

    • credit cards

    • car loans

    • furniture loans

    • student loans

    • installment loans

We need you.

Aurora’s greatest asset is the people who live here. Empower them - and we all prosper.

To learn how you can help, leave your email in the box at right.