Stronger Finances are the First Step.
Beat debt. Fix credit. Change your family’s future.
You can do more than you think. If you’re working and paying rent, you’ve got the ability to build wealth, stabilize your future - even own a home. It’s possible.
But no one gets there on their own.
Programs like the Financial Empowerment Center and Court Based Rental Assistance are meant to help you catch up, get your financial life in order, and get ahead. Feel like you’re working and getting nowhere? This is where things turn around.
Avoid eviction.
If you’ve already got a pending case in eviction court, the Court Based Rental Assistance Program can help.
Get free one-on-one financial coaching.
Financial Empowerment Center experts help you beat debt, build credit and start saving for your future.
Not sure what help
you need?
A 15-minute call is all it takes to find the best next step for you. Tell us what barriers you’re facing; we’ll tell you how to beat them.
Rent from us.
Ready for rent that won’t put you in debt? Join the waiting list for our affordable housing units.
We need you.
Aurora’s greatest asset is the people who live here. Empower them - and we all prosper.
To learn how you can help, leave your email in the box at right.