Breakthrough Rental

Affordable rent today. Home ownership tomorrow.

Break the wealth barrier.

If you’re like many, paying rent keeps you from saving–and lack of savings ensures you’ll always be paying rent. You’re stuck.

Breakthrough Rental is your way through.

The Neighbor Project’s flagship program is an innovative twist on affordable housing. Live in one of our apartments for two years, then graduate with the tools and savings you need to become a homeowner.

Affordable rent–and half comes back to you.

In Breakthrough Rental, you’ll pay affordable rent. But thanks to donors, grants and other Neighbor Project support, half of what your family pays goes into a savings account in your name.

You’ll graduate from the program in about two years with an entire year’s worth of rent saved - probably between $10,000 and $18,,000. That’s your key to breaking the wealth barrier.

A wealth of resources.

Families and individuals in Breakthrough Rental also take part in our Homebuyer Education course, meet with financial counselors and take other steps to get them ready them for homeownership.

These opportunities equip you with knowledge–but they also unlock access to additional grants, loans and other ways to supplement the money you’ll save for a home.

Neighborhoods with more homeowners are statistically more safe, more stable and more closely connected. If you want to buy, your city’s rooting for you. So are we.

Do you qualify?

Breakthrough Rental is a 2 year program. Our WAITLIST is currently open. Click the button at right to set up a 15 min screening. You won’t need to bring anything.

Breakthrough Rental is for households who:

  • Have one or two full-time income earners. If you only have one full-time income earner, their income must fall between 40-80% of Area Median Income for your family size.

  • Have been working in the U.S. for at least one year already

  • File income taxes for all household income

  • Have a credit report with all collections totaling $500 or less

  • Are first-time homebuyers wanting to buy a home in Aurora, IL

  • Are U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or using an ITIN

The program’s NOT for you if...

You need immediate housing

  • You use Section 8 vouchers

  • You need help finding work

The program IS for you if...

  • You meet all requirements at left

  • You understand that moving into a Neighbor Project home might take 6 months or more

  • You understand that the housing market can shift, changing your timeline for buying a home

We need you.

Aurora’s greatest asset is the people who live here. Empower them - and we all prosper.

To learn how you can help, leave your email in the box at right.