What is Breakthrough Rental?
Affordable rent today. Home ownership tomorrow.
If you earn enough to pay a mortgage, but not to save up for a down payment, you’re stuck here.
You’re on one side of the wealth barrier.
Beyond the barrier, money you spend on housing becomes wealth. You own it.
But on your side of the barrier, you’re not building wealth.
Money you spend on rent… just goes away.
To buy a house, you need a down payment.
It’s hard to save for a down payment when you’re paying rent.
Feel stuck?
Here’s the good news.
If this is you, you’re not alone.
In the Unites States, half of renters don’t have access to affordable rent.
High rent means low savings, which means fewer homebuyers.
Which means people can’t put down roots, improve their neighborhoods or start businesses.
That challenge is passed on to their kids.
But when more of us own homes, schools have more money.
Neighborhoods are safer.
Our communities are stronger.
We need you to break the barrier.
Here’s how it happens.
Breakthrough Rental means you pay affordable rent at one of The Neighbor Project’s properties.
But while you’re renting, you’re also saving.
Most families finish our program in two years. In that time, half their rent goes into a savings account in their name.
They graduate with $10-18,000 saved.
We help them bundle that with other down payment assistance and acess other resources they need to be homebuyers.
They’ve broken the wealth barrier.
This changes lives – and futures. Families are more stable. Children achieve more in school.
Effects reach down through generations – and across the city.
Stable families invest.
Everyone who breaks through benefits us all.
Because we’re neighbors.
And together, neighbors build the city.
Ready to build with us?