Aurora Financial Empowerment Center

The Aurora Financial Empowerment Center is a FREE service provided by the City of Aurora and The Neighbor Project. The FEC helps clients build their savings, establish and improve their credit, take control of their debt, connect to safe and affordable financial products, and much more! 

Must be 18 years or older and live in the state of IL. 

Schedule a FREE Coaching Session


The City of Aurora and The Neighbor Project are excited to welcome you to the Aurora Financial Empowerment Center.

The Aurora FEC offers FREE One-On-One Professional Financial Counseling to low and moderate income households in the region. The City of Aurora has contracted with the Neighbor Project to deliver professional financial counseling to families and individuals in the Aurora area.

The Aurora FEC joins a cohort of over 30 FECs across the nation that have worked with more than 104,000 clients,helping them reduce debt by more than $146 million, and increasing savings by $22 million. Professionally trained counselors help you in managing your finances by teaching you how to reduce debt, increase savings, build/improve credit, and access safe banking products.

Central to the FEC is the recognition that solid financial coaching is often best integrated with other types of support. With that in mind, we partner with and provide referrals to supportive services in our community such as housing and foreclosure prevention, prisoner reentry services, domestic violence assistance, help with accessing benefits and more.

For more information visit or call (630) 256-4552.

Schedule a FREE Coaching Session


During the first counseling session, your financial counselors will conduct a Financial Health Assessment (FHA) for you.  During this time, you will have the opportunity to articulate your goals and financial aspirations.

Based on the results of your FHA and goals, you and your financial counselor will create a Financial Service Plan that aligns with your goals and FEC Outcomes.

FEC Outcomes

Your next counseling sessions will revisit your Financial Service Plan and make any needed adjustments to your FHA.

We believe through Asset-Based Coaching, you can become empowered to take control of your financial situation and achieve your financial aspirations.